Drag all items which you want to display on your current page from the Tools window to your page. Goldfish offers the following items to drag:
- Headline
- Text Item
- List Item
- Picture Item
- Media Item
- Navigation Menu
- Horizontal Line
- Rectangle
- Picture Gallery
- Visitor Counter
- HTML Code Item
If you don't see the Tools window choose Window > Tools to open it.
The following options can be set for all tools in the Properties window
- Position
- Margin Left: Space in pixels from the left border of the page to the left side of the item.
- Margin Top: Space in pixels from the top border of the page to the top side of the item.
- Width: Width of the item in pixels.
- Height Height of the item in pixels.
- Background
- Color and Picture: Choose the background of the page.
- Border and Padding
- Color and Size: Choose the with and the color of every border of the item
- Padding: Choose the space in pixels between the border of the item and the content.
The other options in the properties window depend on which item you have selected.