Visitor Counter
Displays a visitor counter, which counts how many people visit your website. The counter saves the user's IP adress, so that reloading won't be counted.
The following options can be set in the Properties window
- Appearance
- Style: Choose the style of your counter. You can choose one of the Goldfish styles or use your own style.
- Size: Choose how many digits the counter will show.
- Counter Picture: Coose a picture for your own counter style. Only enabled with Counter Style: Custom Style.
Read about more options in the properties window on the page for tools.
Build Your Own Counter Picture
Counter pictures are not limited in size and color. The picture must contain 10 digits with the same size. The first digit is the "0" digit the last digit displays "9". You can also draw a border around the digits.
The counter cuts the picture in 10 pieces with the same size. The with of a piece is the width of the picture divided by 10 plus the remainder of the division. So you can use borders (like the black 1 pixel border in the example).
The visitor counter uses PHP and stores it's data in a text file. Read the PHP chapter for more information.