Create Pages
A page represents a single page of your website. A folder represents a folder and the index page of this folder. Use the page list of the Document window to select a page and dop items from the tools to your page.
- Choose Add Page from the page list to add a new page to your website
- Choose Add Folder from the page list to add a new folder with index page to your website.
- Choose Dublicate Item from the page list to dublicate the selected page or folder with content.
- Choose Remove Item from the page list to remove the selected page or folder with content from your website.
Reorder the page list with drag and drop. The order of the pages list is displayed in navigation menu items. If you select nothing (no page), the properties window will show the properties of the project.
The following options can be set in the Properties window
- Project
- Meta Tags (Project) The meta tags, which are valid for every page of your website.
If you select a page, the properties window will show the properties of the page.
The following options can be set in the Properties window
- Page
- Title: The title of your page, displayed in the browser's title bar.
- Menu Title: The menu title of your page, displayed in navigation menu items.
- Use Template Page: Set the selected page to template page layout of your website.
- Meta Tags (Page) The meta tags, which are valid for the selected page only.
- Background
- Color and Picture: Choose the background of the page.
- Layout
- Position on Page: Choose the alignment in the browser window at which the page is displayed.
- Page Width (min): The minimal width of the page (except borders). If the browser window is smaller, scrollbars will be displayed.
- Page Padding: Choose the size of the space between browser window and left/top/right/bottom of the page.
- Font for New Items
- Text Style: Default text style for new items, which you drop on the page.
- Link Style: Default link style and link effects for new items, which you drop on the page.
- Line Space: Default space between two lines of text for new items, which you drop on the page.
If you use the Template Page property you can only choose the Title and Menu Title of the page. All other properties will be set to values of the template page.