
Link Effects

With link effects, you can create rollover menus and links. before every link style button, is a small link effects button (the wand). Click on it and you can change several things (background, font...) if the user does something.

The User Events

  1. Effect By Moving Mouse On Link: Rollover effect if your mouse is over the link.
  2. Effect By Clicking On Link: This effect occures if you click on a link while you hold your mouse down.
  3. Effect By Already Visited Links: If you have clicked on a link, and you return later to the page, the link is already visited. Set a special style for thouse links here.

You can several things change if a link effect occures. It depends on the item what you can select and what not (e.g. links in text have no background. Because of that you can't change the background here).

Things You Can Change

  1. Change Font: Changes the font and font style of the link.
  2. Change Background: Changes the background of the link (menu items only).
  3. Change Border: Changes the border of the link (menu items only).
  4. Change Padding: Changes the padding of the link (menu items only).